Winter Art

Feathery-flowers and fairy-folk danced on my window today;

Frosted trees and butterfly wings saucily had their say.

January-Jack had used the cold to benefit his pen;

The sketches done on my window-pane amaze me again and again.

Frigid temps may keep me inside but I look at the best of art;

Nature's frosty winter cold year-after-year plays its part.

Of course it's the sun, shining its light, that makes the diamonds dance;

Snowflake prisms are everywhere - you only have to glance.

Winter may not be my favourite season - it's the scenery that I love;

Glassy, glossy, frosted white - falling from the brush up above.

God knows that winter is blustery and cold so His angel-artists do their best;

Frosted paintings on window panes - north, south, east and west.

Joan Adams Burchell
(January 18, 2005)

