The Wonders of Music

How do musicians compose their art?
Do they hear it in their mind?
What are they thinking while writing the notes
that will haunt us til the end of time?

As I listen to Debussy's "Claire de lune",
that was written so long ago,
I wonder if he was casting a melodious spell
to last. Did he know?

Some music lives through eternity -
it was meant to carry on.
I'm sure that it is heard in heaven
each and every dawn.

I think the musicians know now,
perhaps, what they didn't when they wrote;
That their music was a gift to outlive time
and to each heart that listens, it spoke.

I believe there must be an orchestra on high,
made up of composers from late;
Angels sing and it must make heaven
a symphony as you enter the gate.

The wonders of music capture the soul
and all around is spring.
(Imagination of a wondering poet -
but that's how I see everything.)

Joan Adams Burchell
September 21, 2004


Inspirational Poetry