
Did I listen? Did I hear?
Did I help to ease her fear?
So much pain; so brave for so long;
How could pain make her sound so strong?
I've lost a friend and pray that she
Could overlook the weakness and lack in me.
Miles apart - I couldn't see;
Phone-wires were always between her and me.
She gave so much right 'til the end;
I feel like a twig that just couldn't bend.

Fly Angel - fly! Spread your wings!
Forget all the painful earthly things.
I'll see you in each garden flower;
I'll feel your touch in a summer shower.
I'll hear you laugh at a puppy's play;
I'll speak and know you're not far away.
Fly Angel - fly! You are free at last;
The love you left will hold me fast.
When I hear the windchimes sing
I'll think of you and when it was spring.

Joan Adams Burchell


Written April 14, 2003
For my cousin and friend - Barbara - Dec. 10, 1935 - April 14, 2003


Inspirational Poetry

Background Credit

White Rose