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The Chemistry Set

It was Doreen's first turn to have the Sunday School teachers meet at our house. She wanted everything to be perfect.

Mom made little sandwiches and plates of mouth-watering, fancy cakes and tarts. That was the good part! They surely couldn't eat them 'all', and hopefully there would be some left for dessert the next night. It was such a long time to wait.

Bruce and I were sent upstairs early so we wouldn't be in the way; Bruce to his room where he could listen to his crystal radio he had made or read his comic books. I wondered why couldn't I have comic books?

It was almost my bedtime, anyway, so I was sent to bed. I lay very still, as I heard the teachers arrive and then, pleasantries out of the way, get down to the business of the monthly meeting. I was hoping to hear what went on at these meetings. There was a lot of talk but nothing that I could make out. It went on for a long time and I thought that it must all be very boring.

My eyes were getting very heavy when the most horrible smell of rotten eggs came into my room. It was so strong that I put the covers over my head.

Unfortunately, at the same time, the smell reached the downstairs and I heard some muffled coughs and then Doreen holler, "Mom!"

The next voice was my mother's, and from the bottom of the stairs she called, "Bruce! I told you 'not' to play with your chemistry set. What are you dong?"

"Ah gee," replied Bruce, "I was 'just' trying to make a stink-bomb."

Mom said, "Well, you have succeeded, but that will be the 'only' one. Open the window, and, tomorrow your chemistry set goes down to the cellar." Bruce muttered to himself and I could hear muffled giggles from downstairs.

The meeting must be nearly over because I could hear dishes. I wondered how the teachers could eat while that horrible smell was in the house, but, I guess the doors had been opened to let some fresh air in.

As I drifted off to sleep, nose still covered, I thought that, thanks to Bruce, at least the meeting hadn't been 'all' boring, but I guessed he would get "what-for" from Doreen in the morning, anyway. ~Joan Adams Burchell~ (copyright)